Home Office

The whole idea behind working from home is to give you the comfort and ease which…well only our HOMES can give. The narrow depressing confines of crowded office cubicles can be a game ender in the true sense and that’s why more and more entrepreneurs are deciding to call in removalists and opting for the “work from home” option.

Now that, you have made the decision of managing your business sitting in your living room, you must also make it a point to create the best home office space which would not only give you the creative independence but also inspire you to work more! Here are some tips which you should remember while creating the best workspace for you ever.

  • Hide those ugly cables and wirings away– invest in some neutral coloured wire caskets which hide and contain all the wires making it look good as well as safe.
  • Making sure it’s not TOO casual– working from home still means deadlines and targets, which is a serious business. It may be fun to have a stress free atmosphere but a home office should not be placed near TV or home theatre system which would not let you work at all. Instead put a beautiful painting or better still, a large framed family photograph which would not distract but inspire.

  • Keep it bright and airy-The most common mistake while planning for a home office is to forget about the natural brightness and just think of space management. If you are going to spend a considerable amount of day time working or typing away, the desk should be placed in front of the window with the best view from the house, trust me you’ll be thanking yourself for this daily.
  • Colour coded work space– Just because you are going to conduct a business sitting at home does not mean your space should start looking like an ugly bank cubicle. Paint the wall facing you with an earthy neutral tone of green or lilac which would have a calming effect. The paint hues can match your personality and can be bright and flirty or dark and earthy, but it must reflect your personality too. The flooring can be repainted in coordination with your walls and furniture which leaves nothing boring around you.

  • Get cool furniture but not the uncomfortable ones! – Yes I know the chair looked fantastic in the antique store but it has to be comfortable enough to support your back and legs for long hours of work. It must be in tandem with the overall taste of your house. If you do have a traditional bedroom, buy a wooden desk or oak chairs which would give the old world charm , complete with soft lamps on the desk and the top of the computer screen which illuminates but does not dazzle.
  • Experiments with the accessories– you are at the home front my friend, so make your own rules. Keep book shelves or file cabinets made of soft pearl shade wood. Colour each shelf with a differently rather than just putting boring labels. Your soft board could be made of bright fabrics and coloured pins are a must have here .Put family picture frames or your favourite baseball memorabilia next to your screen which will be a constant reminder as to why you chose to work from home in the first place itself!