If you are new to landscaping, landscape design and garden makeovers, we first want to welcome you. Whether it is because you have moved to a new house and now have a garden that needs redesigning, or you have decided that it was time your lacklustre garden has a new lease of life, or even if you see landscaping as a new career, then you are going to love landscaping design.
It offers many benefits such as being able to use your imagination to create a landscaping design, learning about design concepts, discovering the does and they don’t with regards to which plants are suitable within certain soils, and also gaining experience about the sorts of features that can make landscape designs that extra bit special. With all that and more, we are sure you cannot wait to get started.
However, at the risk of somewhat curtailing your eagerness to start your first landscaping design project, we have a word of warning. There are several mistakes that many landscaping beginners often make, and we want to try and ensure that you do not go down that same route. As such, we have three essential landscaping points from the gardening gurus at intreeglandscapes.com.au, which we urge you to read and follow. By doing so, you will ensure your first landscaping project has a great chance of being a complete success.
#1: Planning Is Essential
The first point we want to make is probably the most important one, and that is that landscape design should never be something that you make up as you go along. Given that so much of a landscaping project depends on several individual elements, you must plan it properly.
We are not just talking about the layout. Still, other examples include planning the purchasing of plants and features, what building or assembly work might be required, and even if you need any planning permission to make the changes to the garden in question. You do not want to spend large sums to start making changes only to be told that the local authorities do not allow them, for example.
#2: Establish Your Budget In Advance
Another reason many beginner landscapers end up never completing their first project, or it takes way longer than they ever expected it to, is issues around their budget. This often arises because they do not follow through on point #1 concerning planning. By planning, you can research what costs you need to apply for all the work that is going to be done and then compare that with the funds you have available.
If the initial estimate is more than you anticipated, then you can either find additional funds or change the design so that it falls within the budget you have. What you must not do is carry on regardless and then find you cannot proceed further due to a maxed-out credit card or an empty bank account, leaving your garden in what is sure to be an unsatisfactory state.
#3: Start Simple, Then Expand
The third piece of advice we want to impart is that you do not have to make your very first landscaping project something akin to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. In other words, it is unnecessary to make it a massive project that costs a fortune and takes the best part of a year to complete.
If you are starting, there is nothing wrong with starting with a relatively simple landscaping design that might challenge you in terms of learning what you need to do but which does not overwhelm you. The beauty of landscaping designs is that they can be added to and enhanced over time, allowing you to take stock of each stage before you plan the next one.